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Geography Links

bullet1.gif (148 bytes) General Geography Information
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Environment & Habitats
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Ice and Snow
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Africa
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) America (N&S)
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) India
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Maps
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Rivers
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Settlements
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Sustainable Development
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Rainforests
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Mountains, Caves & General Geology
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Weather
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Other Useful Sites
(Links / Quizzes etc)

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vmstar.gif (1122 bytes) = The Vaultman's current favourites

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General Geography Information

CIA -- The World Factbook
Look up any fact, geographical, political or economic, about any country you care to think of. This site has been set up by the CIA, so presumably is useful for any would be spies!!!
City Populations
Lots of information about the populations of cities around the world.
Earth and Moon viewer
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A definite must for work on the Earth in Space! View a map of the Earth showing day and night regions right at this moment, as seen from the sun, the moon, or a satellite. Or view the moon from above named locations. There is also a link to an interactive orrery.
Earth View
This is the page of Earth and Moon Viewer which shows day and night at the moment.
The Ellis Island, New York, site
Lots of links and search facilities relating to the millions who passed through Ellis Island and into a new life in the United States.
This site aims to collect a representative photograph from every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland. There are lots there already. Has your area been caught?
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This site is really intended as a tourist information guide to the world. There is masses of country-specific information presented in a lively, colourful and well-structured way. There are links to countries' own tourist information sites. Much of the information will be accessible to pupils.
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Geography Dictionary and Glossary ks3.gif (965 bytes)ks4.gif (972 bytes)
Over 1500 terms defined. Useful!
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Geography - Learn on the internet ks3.gif (965 bytes)ks4.gif (972 bytes)
Lots of stuff aimed mainly at secondary. Well worth exploring.
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) GeoNet ks1.gif (967 bytes)ks2.gif (967 bytes)ks3.gif (965 bytes)ks4.gif (972 bytes)
The Guardian 07.01.97.described this as 'a one man bid to set up the definitive web site for Geography teachers'. Good on ideas and is gradually developing its resources. Well worth a closer look.
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An excellent site. Resources for pupil / student use (Cases studies, virtual fieldwork, outline maps, collections of photographs and more) and collections of really useful links, categorised by topic. Easy to navigate.
Google Earth Blog
Keep up to date with what's new and interesting on Google Earth.
Juicy Geography
The author of this site is an AST in the South West of England. His site is full of lovely Geography stuff, including a useful collection of ideas for using Google Earth in class.
National Geographic
Gives access to an online version of the National Geographic magazine. There is also the facility to print out maps, and to view an archive of photographic images. Provides links to travel and tourism sites. Some of the pages are very slow to load.
The National Railway Museum, York
Definitely one for railway buffs! Perhaps not so much for teachers, although there is a nice section on the history of railway posters. The graphics can make it slow to download.
The National Tramway Museum
The UK's premier museum about trams, at Crich in Derbyshire.
bullet1.gif (148 bytes) Staffordshire Learning Net Geography Pages
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Produced by Staffs for their teachers, but available to all (and well worth a look, too). Too much to pick out examples - but worth visiting for the photos alone.
Sunrise and Sunset Calendar
Make a sunrise and sunset calendar for the current month for you location. This page is for UK but you can also get calendars for USA or Canada from other pages on the site.
Comprehensive (although not necessarily up to date) information about each of the countries in Africa. (The site has annoying pop-up ads on every page, though, so make sure your pop-up blocker is on).
Do not be fooled - this amazing site is so much more than just a collection of maps. They subtitle the site "Explore Your World" and they are true to their word. What is the time in...? want a map showing where Lake Mweru is? (Zambia); want information about any country? The latitude and longitude of any named place (or postcode) the list goes on and on... Wonderful and useful.

Environment & Habitats

Biomes vmstar.gif (1122 bytes)ks2.gif (967 bytes)
Excellent information from Enchanted Learning about the types of habitat that are found on our planet (once you have scrolled down the page from the membership advert)
Earthlights vmstar.gif (1122 bytes)
A Photograph of the Earth's surface at night, taken from space showing the lights of settlements. Amazing but may take a long time to download.
Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment ks2.gif (967 bytes)ks3_4.gif (1080 bytes)
A UK government site with masses of information on the atmosphere and weather. Includes lots of stuff on the health of the atmosphere eg. acid rain, air quality, ozone depletion. Many of the pages are presented at "younger" and "older" levels (but even the "younger" pages are a bit wordy).
Environment Agency of England and Wales
Lots of information from this National Agency.
What's It Like Where You Live?
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Pages about tundra, desert, temperate forests, grasslands, taiga This site is part of a the larger Evergreen Project site called "Biomes of the World".  A well thought out and comprehensive resource. The Evergreen Project also has two other sections that might be of interest on Freshwater ecosystems and Marine Ecosystems.
Wild Places
This is the Friends of the Earth site and it places emphasis on our need to protect our wild areas. Best bit of the site is where you can type in your postcode and a map of your local arae is generated showing local sites of special scientific interest (SSSI). Clicking on them shows information about each site and whether it is under threat.

Ice and Snow

All About Glaciers
Lots of information and photographs (including some then and now pairs, showing how glaciers have changed).
Freezeframe - Historic Polar Photographs
Just what it says - there are photos, biographies of polar explorers, information about people who live in the Arctic regions, information about surviving in cold climates and more. This is a developing resource based at the Scott Polar Research Institute in the University of Cambridge.
Icefields and Glaciers
This one is from the website of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. Lots of clear explanations and plenty of photographs.


Masai Mara
Information about the area and its wildlife.

America (N & S)

The Inca Trail
An informative photographic tour of the towns and mountains around Machu Picchu in Peru.


Lonely Planet: Destination India
Mainly tourist information but may be useful.
An Introduction to India
Some useful information, quite a high reading age.
This is the Indian village suggested for study in QCA Unit 10. The site is run by the charity Action Aid. You can order the recommended  resources and subscribe to the further materials on the site for  very reasonable fee.
An extensive collection of links from this Australian teachers' site.

Maps If you are looking for Maps there are lots here.

The AA
No actual maps but the route finder is excellent. Children can plan a road journey and then follow it on a map or atlas. The route planner gives full details of the route, mileage and expected journey time.
Google Maps
View maps down to street level or satellite images. There is an easy to use slider to zoom with or you can use your mouse wheel. You can also overlay the streets onto the satellite image. Uses the same satellite images as Google Earth (I think).
How Far is it?
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This is actually a site about Indonesia and Bali, but they provide this handy distance calculator. Look up the distance as the crow flies between two places on the Earth's surface. You can ask for towns or give longitude and latitude. Some of those crows fly HUGE distances!

Find anywhere in the world (including street maps).
Old Maps
This site sells old maps, but you can look at small sections of old maps and magnify them up. Worth a look.
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Excellent site for UK maps. Street maps of London and some other areas and lots of other easily navigated maps.
World Atlas : Maps and Geography of the World
This one is from About (The Human Internet) and is crammed full of maps and data about the different countries of the world. I have only had a quick look but it looks good.
World Time Interactive Atlas
You have a globe. See where it is day and where it is night. Click on a spot to turn the globe to face you. Zoom in or out. Find out the time and the times of sunrise and sunset for today in the cities of the country you have selected. Or choose your country from an alphabetical list. The site is simple, clear and quick.

Lonely Planet:
The Lonely Planet produce tourist guides. Click on the map to find out about the places.


The Amazon River
A simple site about the Amazon with maps, photos and basic information. Some nice photos of wildlife and a really good aerial shot of meanders.
Rivers and Coasts
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Excellent site from BBC Schools.
The River Thames
All sorts of stuff about Old Father Thames.Useful links page.
River Derwent
This is a page from a website that deals with the peak district. There is some basic information about the River Derwent and some nice photos of the river and its surrounding scenere, including a very effective 360 degree panorama.
A Walk along the River Roe
This page is dedicated to the River Roe in Ulster. This is a page from the excellent Limavady site (see Settlements section)
The River Trent
This site follows the River Trent from source to mouth, including aerial photographs, narrative and useful vocabulary along the upper, middle and lower course of the river. It has sections on River facts, Flooding, Settlement, Uses and Conservation. A very useful site!


Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust
The Ironbridge Gorge was the Silicon Valley of the first Industrial Revolution and was the first area to be awarded the status of World Heritage Site.Information about the area and the museums and the beginning of a collection of project activities for pupils who are visiting the museums (in the Resources section).
Ironbridge, Shropshire (Virtual Tour)
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A virtual tour of the town of Ironbridge and the historic surrounding area. Photographs and informative text.
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Jochen Lueg, who produced this excellent site says, "This site is full of irrelevant but valuable information about the Town of Limavady and some of the people that have the good fortune to live there." Limavady is in Ulster. The site contains photos of the town and some of its events and characters and lots of information about life in the town.
Tourist Guide to the Peak District
If you are planning a visit to the Peak District then visit this site first. It is packed with information about the area, its history, geography, events and accommodation. The site is well structured and the presentation is both simple and attractive.
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
An virtual tour of Shrewsbury, by the same team, and in the same style, as the virtual tour of Ironbridge (see above).

Reviewer's note: There are many sites on the internet which give local information. Why not visit a search engine such as Google and simply type in the name of the place you want to know about? You never know what you will find!

Sustainable Development

One World UK ks2.gif (967 bytes)ks3_4.gif (1080 bytes)vmstar.gif (1122 bytes)
Aiming to provide the UK's best online coverage of news and views about human rights and sustainable development. Use the tabs at the top of the page to explore the site, which has masses of information to support work on sustainable development.
Countryside Learning
Their aim is to educate, inform and inspire children, parents and teachers, so they can enjoy and appreciate the countryside while having a greater understanding of the wide range of issues surrounding it. Well worth a look.


Amazon Interactive
Learn about the geography of the Amazon Rainforest. Find out about the inhabitants, and how they live off the land. Try running an ecotourism project in a simulation based on those on the Rio Napo in Ecuador.
Photojourney through the Costa Rican Rainforest
Well described and lots of good quality photos. Lots of short, quick-loading pages.
Rainforest Alliance
An excellent site from this organisation that works to protect the rainforests and the animals, plants and people who live in them. News, articles and much more.
Rainforestconcern ks2.gif (967 bytes)ks3.gif (965 bytes)
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Rainforestconcern is a UK charity. Their website has lots of information about rainforests. Children  will enjoy the Kids Guided Tour which is actually a sort of animated book about rainforest, written in kidspeak. Little insects crawl about and some of them are clickable to pop up information.
Rainforest Heroes
Rainforest Action Network works to protect the rainforests and the people who live there through education and the organising of non-violent campaigns. Find out about their work, and what you can do to help.
Rainforest Information Centre
Find out about the latest research into rainforest issues and read news updates from rainforest conservation projects. Obtain a list of eco friendly suppliers of timber products. A children’s discussion page has just been set up. Check out the Rainforest Information Centre Children's Forest Links Page at 
Lots of links for children and access to useful info page on rainforests and the dangers they face.
Rainforest Stories
Stories for children about rainforest animals and people who work to protect them.
The Rainforest Tram
The Rainforest Aerial Tramway is a company that runs aerial tramways in the rainforests of Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and St Lucia. RFAT is committed to conservation of the rainforests and their website is full of information This site give information about the tram and access to useful pages of links and information. There are collections of photographs, including some wonderful images of rainforest animals (but sadly no captions).
Rain-Tree's company website
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Rain-Tree specialises in medicinal products of rain forest origin. The site has useful information about the economics of rainforest usage, access to a database of rainforest plants and their medicinal properties, a fascinating page of rainforest facts, and a really useful page of categorised links to help with school projects. There is also a general links page and much much more. A really good resource..
Essentially a comprehensive links listing. Lots of information and articles about rainforests.
Temperate Rainforest Ecosystem
Many people are unaware that, as well as tropical rainforests, there are also rainforests in cooler parts of the world. This site has good basic information about them.
Temperate Rain Forest (ThinkQuest)
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Another useful site about temperate rain forests.
Virtual Rainforest
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From Michigan State University comes this clickable picture of a rainforest. Each click pops up an information window about a rainforest creature or feature. Excellent.
What's It Like Where You Live? Rainforest
A site full of easy to find information, from flora and fauna, to the causes of destruction. There is information on both temperate and tropical rainforests.
Zoom Rainforests
A Wealth of basic information about many aspects of rainforests with links to further information all pitched at a level that is accessible for children. Particularly good are the pages about rainforest animals.

Volcanoes, Earthquakes,  Mountains, Caves & General Geology

Enchanted Learning's Volcanoes page
A nice labelled cross-section of a volcano and several useful activities for children. EL's stuff is always worth a look.
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360° Photographic panorama from the top of Mount Everest. Amazing!
Masses of news and information about every aspect of Geology.
Published by a professional geologist, offers a wealth of information, including a geology dictionary, news, over 160 country maps, hundreds of satellite images, and 250 U.S. state maps.
Old Faithful Webcam
Watch the famous geyser in Yellowstone National Park. The picture is updated about every 20 seconds.
Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia
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Welcome to the web's premier resource on world mountains and mountaineering. Here you can explore the world, and network with others who share your love for the high country". An excellent site for mountain information, well produced - the enthusiasm of the production team shows through.
The Virtual Cave
This is a great site for those interested in caves. Wonderful photographs.

Volcanoes by Country vmstar.gif (1122 bytes)
Find the world's volcanoes either by name or by clicking the maps. Part of the Volcano World (at Oregon State) site.
Volcanoes on Line
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Great site about Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics etc. written and presented in a lively, colourful and child friendly way.
Volcano World (at Oregon State University)
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This is an excellent site for finding out about volcanoes and other aspects of earth science such as plate tectonics. It claims to be the "Web's Premier Volcano Site" and it may be. There is a huge amount of stuff to explore including activities, games, maps, lesson notes, and lots more.
NB This is not the same Volcano World site that we originally linked to. That still exists and still contains lots of useful information. However, it is now sponsored by a Ukrainian dating agency and many of the links on the pages redirect to the dating agency pages making the site not really suitable for use with children in schools.

Volcano World Movie Clips
This was originally a link to a page on Volcano World which we can no longer recommend (see note above). However, the net is full of film clips of volcanoes in action - just do a search for something like "volcano movie clips" and you'll find loads.

Weather & Seasons

This site excellent by Carl Wozniak is all about clouds. There is an excellent page of downloadable photos. Carl writes: Clouds comprise a wonderful focus for classroom study. They're ubiquitous, ever-changing, scientifically interesting and, most importantly for teachers, ... they're cheap.
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Just what it says on the tin - a website dedicated to the enjoyment of clouds - lots of information and photos.
Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment ks2.gif (967 bytes)ks3_4.gif (1080 bytes)
A UK government site with masses of information on the atmosphere and weather. Includes lots of stuff on the health of the atmosphere eg. acid rain, air quality, ozone depletion. Many of the pages are presented at "younger" and "older" levels (but even the "younger" pages are a bit wordy).
The Met. Office
The Weatherman's website! Everything you'd ever need for a "Weather" topic.... and then some! Look in the "Education" section first on this huge searchable site.
Latest Weather Satellite Pictures
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Part of the Met Office site. Great pictures in jpeg format updated every six hours. This is what the Net was made for!
On-Line Weather Forecasts: UK
If you want the latest weather forecast for your region then this is the site for you. Climatic data for the major cities, satellite pictures and even a "weather window" for your own website. It's all here!
The Tornado Project
All you ever wanted to know about tornadoes but were afraid to ask? Yes, but also a big push to sell you books, videos and posters! Some useful stuff for teachers can be found in "The Storm Cellar".
The Weather Dude
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American TV weather man, Nick Walker is the Weather Dude. This site includes an online textbook called Weather Basics in which The Weather Dude explains the weather in simple terms. There are useful pages on Precipitation, Lightning and Thunder, Clouds, Snow, the Sun and much more...There are songs about the weather with lyrics and sound clips. There are also lots of useful links for parents, teachers and pupils.
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All about weather around the world: maps, photos, blogs and more - much more.
World Climate
Weather data from around the world. 

Other Sites

Digital Dialects
A collection of geographical games to help children (and adults) learn geographical facts (eg the countries of Africa / the seas and oceans). Fun. (The main site is a large collection of language learning games).
Massive image collection. You can download images for free for classroom or other non-commercial use. Lots of scope for finding geog-related images.
JetPunk Travel Quizzes
Lots of Geography-based quizzes. Just for fun!
Teaching Ideas for Primary Geography  ks1.gif (967 bytes)ks2.gif (967 bytes)
This site contains a selection of activities and worksheets to download dealing with mapwork, learning about places and weather. You are also able to contribute your own ideas.
Tommy's List of Live Cams Worldwide
Links to web cams all over the world - see what's happening out there, live!
Quizzes about Europe - educational and fun!


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