Administration, Policies, Schemes of Work and Planning
Development Plans and NGFL
Assessment and Monitoring
Safe Surfing and Emailing
Make your own Webpages
Control & Monitoring
Other Useful Things
Resource |
Description |
Link(s) |
ICT_Unit2 |
A scheme of work for the Autumn term Unit 2 on the Advanced VCE in
Information and Communication Technology - ICT Serving
Organisations. Thanks to Jim Davis, Cheltenham Kingsmead School |
Doc |
ICT and Ofsted |
Useful guidelines (written from personal experience) about preparing
for OFSTED inspections in IT. HTML file. |
htm |
ICT audit |
Need to do an ICT audit? Then this is the document for you!
ZIP file contains a MS Word document. |
zip |
audits |
Here is a useful tool for KS3 teachers to map ICT against the other
NC subjects. This archive contains a series of audit grids together
with a brief explanation of their use by their author, Adam Gibson. |
zip |
IT access |
Some sound advice on ensuring that as many children as possible get
quality access to ICT as often as possible. HTML file. |
htm |
ICT across
the curriculum |
All the "ICT opportunity" examples extracted from Curriculum 2000,
by subject, Key Stages 1 and 2. Thanks to Keith Jeary. |
rtf |
pdf |
in the
literacy hour |
Here is a
case study on the use of portable wordprocessors to raise children's
achievements in Writing. It has been submitted by the manufacturers
of Alphasmart, but written by Emma Cansdale, Key LIteracy Teacher at
Down Lane Junior School, Tottenham. |
doc |
internet policy |
A sample school internet policy |
pdf |
ICT to pics y5 |
An example of how the DfEE materials can be used to plan a unit of
work for Y5 using a topic-based approach. |
pdf |
Here is a set
of documents outlining a complete scheme of work for Key Stage Two
in ICT. The
work is related to the Units of the QCA Scheme. (See the next
section for Certificates and Assessment Sheets to go with this
scheme). |
IT Scheme of Work |
Years 3 and 4 - Contains work related to Units 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C,
4D and 4E (but not, unfortunately, 3C, 3D or 3E) |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work
Unit4e |
Year 4 - Unit 4E : Modelling Effects on Screen |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work
Unit5a |
Year 5 - Unit 5A : Graphical Modelling |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work
Unit5b |
Year 5 - Unit 5B : Analysing Data and Asking Questions |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work
Unit5c |
Year 5 - Unit 5C : Evaluating Information, Checking Accuracy +
Questioning Plausibility (Sadly, the support files that this unit
refers to are a commercial product and not included with the
document). |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work
Unit5d |
Year 5 - Unit 5D : Introduction to Spreadsheets |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work1 Unit5e |
Year 5 - Unit 5E : Controlling Devices |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work2 Unit6a |
Year 6 Unit 6A : Multimedia Presentations |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work3 Unit6b |
Year 6 - Unit 6B : Spreadsheet Modelling |
pdf |
IT Scheme of Work4 Unit6c |
Year 6 - Unit 6C : Control and Monitoring |
pdf |
ICT pol |
Thanks to Helen Parr for this model ICT policy. Edit the Word
document to make it your own |
doc |
ICT pol
poplar_2003 |
This was the Vaultman's own ICT Policy and scheme of work (before he
gave up being an ICT CO. |
doc |
Lum Head ICT pol |
A pretty comprehensive ICT policy from Lum Head Primary School.
Thanks to John Sutton. |
doc |
Software |
A list of software suitable for various aspects of ICT at KS1/2 |
rtf |
Since we no longer need to submit
specific ICT development plans or bid for NGfL funds, these
documents are here simply for historical interest (and in case
anyone finds them useful) |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
ICT development plan1 |
An example
of an ICT development plan. Zip file contains an MS Word
document. |
zip |
pdf |
plan |
Examples of NGfL development plans. |
pdf |
plan1 |
pdf |
four year
NGFLbid |
school's approach to planning finance for NGFL bid over four years |
pdf |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
assessment |
Two record sheets based on the new National Curriculum Levels.
(Julie Yaxley) |
rtf |
assessment |
rtf |
IT |
Part of a
series of assessment sheets for KS1/2 produced by David Warbrick.
David explains: A single 2 sided A4 sheet for each of the QCA
units of work- there are 3 expected levels of outcome- Most children
will..... Some children will do better and...... Some children will
not do as well and....... The reverse of the sheet contains the
"small steps" the learning objectives for the scheme as a means of
recording the achievements of those children who didn't achieve the
expected outcomes.
You can find further details and the whole set of sheets at
David's website.
(rtf files in zip archive) |
zip |
ICT expect assess |
This is a set of rtf
files. There are year by year tables showing the expected outcomes
for each of the QCA units and for each one a simple class record
sheet. Thanks to Angela Heald of Mount Carmel School, Doncaster. |
zip |
record |
Example of how to keep a
record of achievements in ICT. An "I can..." sheet with examples
from each level. |
pdf |
ICT records |
A set of
tick sheets for recording the year by year progress of the children
in a class. Thanks to Sarah Linton of Luckwell Primary School. |
doc |
Internet I can |
An I can
sheet for children to self assess their use of the internet. Thanks
to Janet Thesiger. |
doc |
OA yr12
checklist |
MacAleer has sent us this checklist for Year 12 students to
complete to record their progress in using MS Office Applications |
xls |
Unit3c certificate1 |
pdf |
Unit3c certificate2 |
pdf |
Unit3e certificate1 |
pdf |
Unit3e certificate2 |
pdf |
Unit3e certificate3 |
pdf |
Unit4a certificate |
pdf |
Unit4b certificate |
pdf |
Unit4c certificate1 |
pdf |
Unit4c certificate2 |
pdf |
Unit4d certificate1 |
pdf |
Unit4d certificate2 |
pdf |
Unit5a certificate |
pdf |
Unit5b certificate |
pdf |
Unit5c certificate |
pdf |
Unit5d certificate |
pdf |
Unit6a certificate |
pdf |
Unit6b certificate |
pdf |
Unit6c certificate |
pdf |
A selection of websites and documents to guide you, your pupils
and their parents in the art of using the internet safely. Each webpage
will open in a new window.
Website |
Summary |
BBC Chat
Guide |
Lots of information about staying safe when you are chatting on
line. |
Chat Danger
This site is all about the potential dangers of interactive services
like chat, Instant Messaging, email, texting and online games. Find
out what the dangers are and how to chat safely. |
Cybersmart |
An Australian site all about communications safety. There are
sections about different kinds of communication and each section has
different areas for different ages. |
Doug's Safe
Surfing Page |
Part of Disney's website. Safe surfing advice for kids, and parents
too, presented in a fun way. |
The Gridclub
Cybercafé |
A place where kids can learn about Internet safety in a fun way. |
Kidsmart |
Games and activities to help you learn and practise your safety
skills. Click on the Young People section. |
Internet Safety
Zone for Kids |
An excellent website with lots of advice about safety on (and off)
the internet. |
MSN Safety Page |
Do you, or your children, use Microsoft Messenger at home? There is
lots of advice here about how to use it safely. |
World |
This Australian web site has internet safety activities and games
for small people. |
ThinkUKnow. |
Simple advice and links to further advice on the Internet Safety
Zone |
The Virtual Global Taskforce Kids Page |
The VGT is an international organisation dedicated to
making the internet a safer place, especially for children. It was
set up by police forces in Britain, America, Canada and Australia. |
safekids kidsrules |
Safety rules for children | parent_guidelines |
Guide for parents. |
safeteens |
Guide for Teens & parents... |
risks |
What are the risks? |
privacyissues |
Privacy issues |
presentation |
A presentation in Powerpoint on Child safety |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
tale |
A story from America
about how careful children need to be when using email / internet
chat.It's a bit over the top but might be useful. |
rtf |
htm |
Online agree |
A poster to
display for children, to remind them of the basic rules for safety. |
rtf |
safety let |
A letter
for parents to match the poster. Thanks to Julie Bolton for both of
these items |
rtf |
safety rules |
A simple set
of rules for children to follow. Intended for home rather than
school use and useful to share with parents. |
rtf |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
Web building
software |
Some useful advice on
obtaining software to help build web pages. |
htm |
Website save |
Useful advice if you
want to save an entire website to view offline. |
htm |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
Controlideas |
Some ideas on approaching control in IT. Useful information on
various items of hardware and software. |
Filename |
Summary |
File Formats |
Basic guide |
An illustrated guide to the PC and how to use it. This one will be
really useful for beginners. Thanks to Fanus Wallace. (Archive
contains a PDF File). |
1.8M |
BDB kitchen |
A word document containing a set of 20 photos of kitchen utensils,
intended for use with QCA 4C Branching Databases. |
141K |
BDB vehicles |
A word document containing a set of 18 photographs of vehicles from
our Photo Library. The set is intended for use with QCA 4C
Branching Databases. There are cars, vans, lorries, buses, a
JCB and boats. This is rather a large file but would save you time
since it can be printed in one go. |
1.8M |
Birds database |
To go with QCA unit 5b here is a
database of around 50 birds. Most of the information came from the
RSPB's excellent website, but I have edited it to make it more
child-friendly. (The td file is for Textease Database) |
xls |
csv |
Decisions3 |
A useful little "How to..." guide to
Black Cat's Decisions3 branching databases software. Thanks to
Michele Holliday. |
doc |
pdf |
Fried rice |
Learn to use PowerPoint. This collection
of materials from Gary Martin contains instructions for making a
simple presentation of a recipe and 3 different examples of how it
might turn out. Also includes an example of a presentation about
using PowerPoint in school. Intended for Year 8 and up |
600K |
Kitchen utensils |
An archive containing the set of photos from
bdbkitchen (above). |
111K |
Networks |
A simple, fun MS PowerPoint presentation to explain the advantages
of a network to children in the primary years. Thanks to Chris
Allton, Lea St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, Preston. |
ppt |
PPT game |
This is a unit of work for Year 8. It contains the specification for
a unit of work in which pupils produce a multimedia game using MS
PowerPoint. The archive includes a sample game and support materials
in MS Word format. Thanks to Caroline Coster for this. |
zip |
a file |
A tutorial from lecturer, Alan Windsor. about how to save files in
MS Word. Print it out for your less confident colleagues. (The zip
file contains a Word document) |
zip |
Vehicles |
An archive containing the set of photos from
bdbvehicles (above). |
869K |