Resource |
Description |
Link(s) |
Times |
A PowerPoint presentation (this
one is zipped, 'cos it's rather large) by Liz Philip. The Seven times table in numbers and
pictures. |
(619Kb) |
Addsub10 |
An investigation starter into
the effects of adding or subtracting 10 from odd and even numbers. From Julie Bolton,
Poulton-le-Sands CE Primary School |
doc |
Array |
A really nice Flash application for
looking at multiplication arrays. Click on the numbers to set the
multiplication, click "show me" and you see an array of dots to
match and 2 number lines divided up to match the calculation. Thanks
to Patrick Allen. (Open the zip, extract the file within and run it.
No need to install).
This is one of Patrick's freebies. If you like them there are
more that you can buy - see
Patrick's website. |
(PC Version 558Kb)
(Mac Version 838Kb) |
Basic Excel |
Teach yourself or your pupils to
use MS Excel. This document shows you how to make simple bar charts and carry out simple
calculations. Thanks to Beverley Sallis, New Oscott Junior School. |
doc |
rtf |
Change money |
for printing as a worksheet. Working change from 10p or 20p. Thanks
to Theresa Boyle. |
xls |
Clock dig |
A PowerPoint presentation from
the keyboard of Liz Philip, matching the times on analogue and digital clocks. |
ppt |
Clock face |
A large analogue clockface for
children to cut out, colour and use to help them learn to tell the time. Laminated, they
make a great wall display... "Nicola, reset all the clocks. Now then, everyone you
have 10 minutes to write down the time on all the clocks". You know the sort of
thing. |
rtf |
Converting units |
A PowerPoint presentation form
Joanne Smithies theat deals with converting metric units (eg metres - cm) and clearly
animates digits moving between columns when multiplying / dividing by 100. |
ppt |
Counting on |
A MS PowerPoint presentation for
supporting the teaching of basic arithmetic in Early Years / Y1 / SEN. A series of simple
additions are animated. Teacher control allows you to give children time to discuss /
count before the answer is presented. Zip archive contains a PowerPoint file. Thanks to
Veronica Carter, Camelsdale First School, Surrey. |
247Kb |
Decimal |
A PowerPoint presentation for
use with the whole class. Liz Philip explains decimals. "Excellent," says the
Vaultman. |
ppt |
Decimal place |
Following on from the one above,
Liz helps to reinforce ideas about place value, visually comparing places on each side of
the point. |
ppt |
Div10 |
Another of Liz Philip's
excellent PowerPoint presentations. Division by 10 - demonstrating numbers moving one
column to the right. |
ppt |
Division |
2 sets of word
problems on division, from Julie Bolton |
doc |
Division2 |
doc |
Equiv fract |
3 simple activity sheets from
Martin Gittins on equivalent fractions, percentages and decimals. |
zip |
F_machines |
2 PowerPoint presentations about
function machines. One deals with simple 1-stage machines the other with 2-stage machines.
Thanks to Joanne Smithies. |
zip |
Fraction |
Are you old enough to remember Halving,
the computer film that animated a square being progressively halved. Here's a similar idea
from Liz Philip in an MS PowerPoint presentation. Great for your interactive whiteboard. |
ppt |
Factions and division |
A PowerPoint presentation from Stephen
Penny which helps to explain fractions of amounts eg i/5 of 660. |
ppt |
Heavy and light |
object will make the scales go down? This simple PowerPoint
presentation from Mairi Eggar will give your KS1 children a chance
to discuss it. |
ppt |
How much |
PowerPoint presentations. Children are presented with 2 or 3 items
and prices to add up. Totals are 10p or less so this is definitely a
KS1 resource. Thanks to Mairi Eggar. |
zip |
Incor no seqs |
Jamie Nairn has sent us this
interesting little activity. He says: Here is a set of number sequences to cut out
and get the children to arrange in order (the numbers underlined go first) then they
work out the rule. They then find that 2 of the numbers are wrong. They
must identify which ones and correct them. Blank squares to find next/previous 2 in
the sequence. For a range of abilities in upper KS2. |
doc |
Millionaire |
Who wants
to be a millionaire played on a PowerPoint presentation. Choices
appear - click to see the correct answer. Laughter and wrong answer
controls in the top left corner. Thanks to Errol Campta. |
zip |
More and less |
PowerPoint presentations focusing on comparing the contents of two
"containers". Mairi Eggar designed these for the MLD / SLD school
she works in but they would be useful for early KS1 in mainstream.
zip |
Multpattern on
numlines |
This activity from Arthur Daley
lets children investigate one of the patterns made by multiplications. An interesting
idea. |
rtf |
Multiple spiders |
An activity sheet by Mike
Freedman looking at the patterns in multiples of numbers from 1 to 10. |
rtf |
Negative numbers |
An animated introduction to negative
numbers. This PowerPoint presentation is from Joanne Smithies. |
(254Kb) |
Negnum |
A PowerPoint presentation that
explains negative numbers in a visual way. Another from Liz Philip. |
ppt |
Number fan |
An Excel spreadsheet set up to
produce the leaves for a number fan. Just cut them out and fix them together. Submitted by
Julie Bolton. |
xls |
Number tests |
This zip archive contains four
Excel spreadsheets that generate daily number tests. These are from Kath Budd, who
says,"I use them at registration time with my Y6 class and allow 3 - 5 minutes,
depending on difficulty."
The sheets use macros so don't worry if you get asked about them. Kath also says,"The
decimal sheet in 3+add.xls doesn't quite work without formatting the answer cells every
time as the macro only gives whole numbers." |
zip |
Numtrack50 |
Two MS Excel
spreadsheets by Mike Freedman that produce number tracks (number grids in which the first
row reads L to R, the 2nd reads R to L etc.) Useful for counting activities. |
xls |
Numtrack100 |
xls |
Ordering decimals |
Drag the decimals into the right
order. A simple little on-the-screen worksheet form Jamie Nairn. |
doc |
Percentages |
A simple PowerPoint presentation
to help teach percentages and give practice in using them. Thanks to John Nielsen. |
ppt |
Place value |
A brilliant little thing from
Liz Philip. An MS Excel spreadsheet which displays a number. Arrows let you add or
subtract 10s, 100s or 1000s. A snip at only 14Kb! |
xls |
Place value thtm |
A modification of the above by
Mike Freedman, which includes units as well. |
xls |
Problem solving
Recording and analysis grid |
A format from David Hatchett. Just what
it says on the tin. (Also available with others - see Real Life
Problems, below) |
pdf |
Ratio |
Colour the shapes. An
on-the-screen worksheet from Jamie Nairn. |
doc |
Real Life Problems |
2 question sheets (timetables and time) and a recording sheet
from David Hatchett.
(MS Word files) |
Zip |
Real Life Time Problems |
One of David Hatchett's real life
problem sheets (see above). |
pdf |
Renewable worksheet |
This is an example, with explanation, of
how you can produce an onscreen maths worksheet that generates
calculations from random numbers. When a child has entered the
answers, they can be marked at the press of a button. MS Excel sheet
by Mike Freedman. (This sheet contains a macro, so if you want to
use it you will need to enable macros before opening the sheet). |
xls |
Spreadsheets |
Here's a huge collection of MS Excel
spreadsheet files that have been submitted by Damian Railston. He
says, "Most of them give you a new worksheet every time you open
it. I use them to generate
work to put on my interactive board.
You need the analysis tool pack installed and, if printed out,
they'll need to have the page setup adjusted and probably some of
the columns will need adjusting.There's also the odd mistake...
nobody's perfect!"(To
install the Analysis tool pack Go to Tools --> Add ins..) |
(336Kb) |
Square root cube |
Here's a good use for your new
whiteboard! An MS PowerPoint presentation which demonstrates square and cubed numbers.
Thanks to Liz Philip (our newly discovered Powerpoint Wiz). |
ppt |
Subtract by add |
An MS PowerPoint presentation
which demonstrates how to calculate subtraction by adding on. Thanks to Liz Philip. |
ppt |
Subtraction by adding |
A simple PowerPoint presentation
dealing with subtraction by addition of 3 digit numbers. Thanks to John Nielsen. |
ppt |
Subtraction |
Another of Veronica Carter's
PowerPoint presentations. Simple subtractions are presented with pictorial representations
of the numbers. Pictures are removed to show the answer. |
zip |
Corrected 12/3/06 |
This is an MS Excel
workbook that generates tables "squares" for the children to
complete. Each square has nine rows (2-10). The 3 different sheets
have 4, 5 and 9 columns. It also generates answer sheets (to save
you time). I use them as weekly tables tests ("How many can you get
right in 5 minutes?").
The sheet uses a macro to
jumble up the row and column headings so you will need to set your
Macro Security Level to medium before loading the spreadsheet). |
xls |
Timetable Worksheet |
Complete the bus
timetables. A worksheet for Y5 from David Hatchett (also
available zipped with others - see Real Life Problems, above) |
pdf |
Time |
Another Flash application from Patrick
Allen. A choice of 4 styles of analogue clock face (click on the
little clock to change the style) numbers / no numbers / roman
numerals. Click the buttons to move on by 1, 5, 10 mins or 1 hour). |
(PC Version 923K)
(Mac Version 1215K) |
Timetable worksheets |
set of bus/train timetables to complete. Aimed at Y4/5 by Ruth Dawson |
doc |
Toffee_tin |
Here's a great investigation
involving both number and shape. Thanks to Steve Gailor. |
doc |
Warm up activities |
This zip archive contains lots of little
PowerPoint presentations intended for the mental / oral starter
session. These are aimed at Y5/6.Thanks to Mike Painter. |
zip |
wrong subtraction |
A simple PowerPoint presentation from
Mike Painter. A series of subtractions with wrong answers are
presented with a chance for discussion before showing the correct
answer. |
ppt |
xbygrid |
A worksheet to help children
learn to use the grid method of multiplication. (NB The MSWord document version will
only work on Word 2000 or later). Thanks to Dill Westermann-Childs. |
doc |
htm |
Four offerings from Judith A Young. They are sets of Maths problems to
get kids used to listening to a story.. or reading them themselves ready for SATS. They
are set out in text and are designed for top KS2 / lower KS3. |
Aday in the life |
Measurement problems (time,
money, length, speed etc.) |
doc |
% problems |
Problems involving percentages |
doc |
Three little kittens |
Puzzles based on basic
operations. |
doc |
Witch of Willoughby |
Basic operations. |
doc |
set of worksheet generators from John Taylor. Each one is an MS Excel spreadsheet which
generates maths worksheets and matching answer sheets from numbers that you type
in. They are easy to use. Try one and I'm sure you will want the others! John
has the latest versions of these sheets, other downloadable materials and details of his
published work on his website at |
Addequation |
Horizontal addition |
xls |
Addsub |
Vertical addition / subtraction |
xls |
Addsub money |
Vertical addition / subtraction
of money |
xls |
Addsub problems |
Addition and subtraction
problems |
xls |
Division |
Division - 2 sheets TU and HTU |
xls |
Division problems |
Division problems |
xls |
Easy addsub |
Easy addition and subtraction
problems (set out vertically) |
xls |
Mental test |
Generates mental maths tests.
READ the instructions carefully! |
xls |
Multiplication |
Set out vertically. 2 Sets HT /
xls |
problems |
Multiplication problems |
xls |
Multiprobe |
An interesting one -
A set of sheets into which you can put things like number sentences. The sheet then copies
them into randomised positions on a grid for the children to practice. Could also be used
for literacy tasks like consonant blends / sounds etc.
The zip file contains 2 versions of Multiprobe - one using the more decorative Lucida
font. |
xls |
zip |
Sub equation |
Horizontal subtraction |
xls |
Tables practice |
Just what it says! Type in the
table you want and it makes 9 (yes 9) worksheets. |
xls |